RTW Trip- Guam

RTW Trip- Guam

(From March 9) We are back in the USA! Well, sort of. Guam is a US territory. It is the land of beautiful beaches, crazy water colors, quite a bit of modern civilization, 2 military bases, and the place "Where America's day begins". Since it is the easternmost US territory, they are correct (almost directly [...]

RTW Trip- Palau

RTW Trip- Palau

Palau? More like Pa-wow! Palau is the land of (almost) stingless jellyfish, electric blue green water, numerous islands, blazing tropical sun, sunken military ships/planes, and an unusual mix of cultures. It feels like a more rustic Hawaii, and Palauans seem to appreciate American tourists. Palau is there. It is near Rota, Saipan, and Guam. I'm [...]

RTW Trip- Vietnam

RTW Trip- Vietnam

USA: If we don't have stoplights, traffic won't move and everyone will die. Vietnam: Hold my beer. Honk! Honk! Beep! Welcome to Vietnam! Honk! The land of tiny chairs with tiny tables, chaotic traffic, excellent food, chain smokers aplenty, bootleg copies of everything (even restaurants next door to each other), useless sidewalks, wicked good prices [...]